The Haines Golf Association recently hosted the Mayor’s Cup 2012, which was a 24-person tourney versus Skagway in a Ryder Cup format, on Sunday, Aug. 26 at Valley of the Eagles golf course in Haines. We would like to thank the numerous businesses (too many to list here) that contributed food, prizes, and funds that helped make the Mayor’s Cup a great event, and one that will continue annually as we join the two Lynn Canal communities in competition. Special thanks go to Mike Denker, Jesse McGraw, Tyler Barrack, Andrew Rex, and Stan and Kathy Jones who spent many hours helping to organize this special event. Additional thanks are warranted to the Haines Borough and Mayor Stephanie Scott, who not only supported the event, but was also in attendance for the opening and closing of the tournament. It will be our pleasure to present the cup to Mayor Scott, as it will reside in Haines until next year’s tournament.

Brian W. Elliott
