All four programs within the Haines Borough School District met the adequate yearly progress goals set by the federal government’s No Child Left Behind law for the 2011-2012 school year.
According to the state department of education, Haines Elementary School scored a 91% proficiency rate on the language arts test, including reading and writing, up by a point from the previous year. In math, the elementary scored 84%, the same as 2010-2011. The high school increased its scores in language arts and math categories, scoring 95% and 80%, respectively.
The Haines home school program boasted the best results of all four programs with 100% proficiency in language and math.
Mosquito Lake School also met AYP goals. Scoring 60% in language arts and math, a confidence interval was applied to the raw scores. According to education department spokesman Eric Fry, a confidence interval is based on a range of scores in which the actual score falls. Similar to a poll’s “margin of error,” individual states are allowed to use United States Department of Education approved confidence intervals.
The state’s proficiency rate, using annual measureable objectives, is 82.88% for language arts and 74.57% for math. These rates were frozen for the 2011-2012 school by the federal government when the state applied for a one-year waiver. Students in grades 3-10 are tested using the Alaska Standards Based Assessment in all three curriculum subjects.
The Alaska Department of Education & Early Development reported that 236 of 507 public schools in the state, or 46.5%, reached AYP goals for the 2011-2012 school year. Schools are assessed in 40 target areas, including school participation rate, attendance rate, graduation rate and nine sub-categories.
Klukwan School also met AYP goals for 2011-2012.