The 2012 Fourth of July Haines Woman’s Club Annual Pie Sale was an incredible success. Thanks to the baking skills of our members and their friends, this was the best pie sale ever! Due to our reduced membership, we asked for pie donations and were not disappointed. We knew we could count on our baking friends in Haines! A big thanks goes out to several club husbands who were there for us, from beginning to end, helping with everything from set-up to dish washing. Of course it couldn’t have been so successful without all of you who bought pie, cheesecake and root beer floats. And speaking of the floats, a very special thanks goes out to the Haines Brewing Company, who very generously donated the root beer. Yum! With the proceeds, the HWC will be able to help fund more programs for the people of Haines over the next year. I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth! We sure did!  

Susan Johnston
