Monday, June 7

An officer responded after a caller reported a vehicle ran through a stop sign at Young Road.

A caller requested information on a report made of two attempted break-ins at their house near FAA Road in the past six months. A housesitter told the caller about the incidents but the police had no reports of them.

A caller reported two bicyclists in the middle of FAA Road.

Sunday, June 6

An officer responded to a report of youths sitting in the roadway at FAA and Tower roads.

A caller reported a vehicle parked in a Front Street RV park that needed to be moved. The vehicle had been left by people who’d gone out fishing.

Saturday, June 5

An officer responded after a bartender requested an officer remove a combative person from a bar.

Friday, June 4

A caller reported three teenagers climbing on fuel tanks across from an Old Haines Highway convenience store. An officer responded and cited one person for trespass.

A caller reported smoke across the channel from Battery Point. Firemen were advised and determined it was a rain cloud.

A children’s services worker from Juneau requested a welfare check on a household that may be experiencing domestic violence.

Thursday, June 3

A caller reported a boat pounded by north winds at Letnikof Cove.

A caller at 2.5 Mile Haines Highway reported a plane flying over their house.

A caller reported their bike had been stolen after it was parked at an Old Haines Highway laundromat. They found out the landlord had cut the lock after assuming the bike had been abandoned.

Wednesday, June 2

An officer responded to a report that a teenager was driving who didn’t have a license.

Tuesday, June 1

A caller reported two vehicles unloading a trailer at 6 Mile Haines Highway. Troopers were advised and the owner of the trailer said everything was okay.

There were 20 medical calls and seven calls about dogs.
