The Haines Brownies would like to extend a big, heartfelt thank-you to many people and organizations for helping us have a great experience this year! A gigantic thank you to the Stanfords for the great dog-mushing adventure, to Barbara Mulford and the Takshanuk Mountain Trail for an exciting overnight with our Juneau Brownie sisters, to Steve Vick and Tracy Mikowski at Haines Animal Rescue Kennel for a fun scavenger hunt, to the staff at Haines Assisted Living for a nice visit, and to Kathy Holmes and Mosquito Lake School for loaning us snowshoes for winter fun. We greatly appreciate the generous donations from Patty Brown and the Emblem Club. Big thanks go to Lutak Lumber, Howser’s, Alaska Meat and Grocery, Mountain Market, Moose Valley Mercantile, and Haines School for allowing us to sell cookies in their establishments. Of course thanks to the entire Chilkat Valley community for supporting the Brownies by buying cookies!

K.C. O’Connor and Edie Granger