Monday, May 10
A caller reported someone ran the stop sign at Second Avenue and Main Street.
A person came to the police station with the identification number of a vehicle that had been abandoned on their property. Police ran the number, but did not find information about the vehicle’s owner, and referred the person to DMV.
A caller reported drivers were ignoring road construction signs and flaggers indicating a 25-mile-per-hour speed limit on Lutak Road during water line work on First Avenue.
A caller reported water on the road at Fourth Avenue and Union Street, and police informed public works.
Police asked the owner of a vehicle that had broken down next to the public safety building to move it
Sunday, May 9
A caller who reported a property dispute was advised to get a restraining order from the magistrate.
Police referred a caller with questions about resolving a domestic issue to the magistrate.
A caller reported a person drove up to their dog and pretended to shoot the dog with their hands.
A caller reported seeing an elderly person with medical problems fall down in front of a local bar.
A cyclist wearing no reflectors was reported on the side of the road watching a moose in a ditch near 2 Mile Haines Highway about 10 p.m.
Saturday, May 8
A caller reported their child had not made it home by midnight, but the child made it home while the caller was still on the phone.
A caller reported seeing a signal flare at 34 Mile Haines Highway near a gravel pit.
Police made extra patrols on Lutak Road after a contractor noticed stakes had been pulled up.
A caller reported youths jumping off the Port Chilkoot Dock at 2 p.m.
A caller reported youths with alcohol playing horseshoes at the fairgrounds, but police found people with alcohol were of legal age.
Friday, May 7
A caller reported a teenager with a provisional driver’s license was driving with other people in the car. Police stopped the teen, issued a verbal warning, and informed parents.
A caller reported debris from a vehicle on the Haines Highway where a moose had been struck and killed last month.
A traveler who reported being stranded at 33 Mile Haines Highway with no diesel after the gas station was closed down was given a tow company’s phone number.
A business owner reported that barking dogs in a trailer parked nearby were disturbing customers.
Thursday, May 6
A caller reported seeing a person driving who may have a revoked license due to a drunken driving conviction, but police determined the person never had a DUI.
Police notified road crews of garbage strewn on Mud Bay Road.
Two neighbors reported an argument after a dog got loose in a yard.
An officer prevented a fight in a local bar after a parent went after a bar patron. The parent mistakenly thought the patron had struck their child on a bicycle earlier in the day.
Wednesday, May 5
A caller reported a bus had been abandoned on the road near their residence and was blocking the road.
A school employee reported $50 missing from a vending machine, and suspected the money had been stolen.
A school employee sought police help transporting a student who had not been picked up after school.
Tuesday, May 4
Police located a traveler reported overdue at the Canadian border.
A caller reported a motorcycle speeding on Comstock Road.
Police received 19 calls for medical help and six about dogs.