As 2011 comes to an end, the Sheldon Museum staff and board have much for which to be thankful. High on the list are grants from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation. A 2011 grant helped fund the complete documentation of almost 400 more historical photographs in the Sheldon Museum’s archive. This included adding search terms and cross-referencing to other photographs and to archival documents. This makes research easier, with information on people and events from Chilkat Valley history more accessible. 

A 2012 grant will help us catch up on oral history digitization and transcribing.  Cassette tape recordings will be copied to CDs for easier access. All interviews will have a printed transcription and will be cross-referenced with archival material in the museum’s database.

We are very grateful to Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for helping us preserve Chilkat Valley history and making photographs, interviews and archival material more accessible to researchers by providing funds to allow part-time and seasonal staff to work more hours and focus solely on these projects.

We’re no less grateful to those who contributed through Pick.Click.Give. These funds will also help us preserve and share Chilkat Valley history through the projects described above and with updated permanent exhibits.

  Jerrie Clarke

Sheldon Museum Director
