The second season of the Discovery Channel reality television show “Gold Rush” debuted Friday, with “Dakota” Fred Hurt buying a Porcupine mining district claim and kicking Todd Hoffman’s Oregon crew off the property.

Hoffman appears headed to Dawson City, Y.T., to continue his mining venture.

A Discovery news release this week, titled “Men Find Gold Friday Night,” said the episode “Twist of Fate” averaged 3.33 million viewers. The show trailed only the seventh game of the World Series in the men’s 18-49 demographic for all of television that night.

A story posted Wednesday on the “Gold Rush” Facebook page said Parker Schnabel, a Haines High School senior, will be part of a three-way competition with Hoffman and Hurt, after taking over his grandfather’s claim. The story describes Schnabel as a “teenage master miner” and said he will be in episodes starting Friday, Nov. 4.
