I don’t agree with the ferry system proposal to eliminate the ferry to Bellingham, Wash. and use the Prince Rupert and Canadian road connections to the Lower 48 states.
It may be only inconvenient in the summer but it could be very bad with winter snow conditions. I favor the plan to build a ferry terminal at the south side of Berners Bay, and limiting ferry crews to 12-hour shifts. My plan would include an hourly shuttle ferry connecting to a terminal on the west side of Lynn Canal at William Henry Bay. This west side terminal and road would connect with and terminate at Zimovia Point on the Haines Highway.
This out-of-view, west-side highway extension has been estimated at one-third the cost of the east-side road to Katzehin by avoiding slides and tunneling granite rock.
The Department of Transportation wants to be able to build a bridge between Katzehin and Battery Point. The state bridge road traffic would be directed past the Haines cruise dock, post office and school.
A west-side road and shuttle ferry would eliminate the need for this traffic and hopelessly expensive bridge.
Jack Wenner