Sunday is a day of rest, but starting Oct. 2, it also will be a day for open gym basketball at the high school gym. Hours are 4 to 6 p.m.
Haines Borough school superintendent Michael Byer said the district had funding for the two additional hours per week of gym time, but wasn’t sure it had the manpower.
Community Education director Nate Benton and gym supervisor Chuck Baltzell will alternate as Sunday supervisor, Byer said.
The district previously said a gym and a hall supervisor would be necessary for watching the gym and the rest of the school, but Byer said this week the district will try to fill both needs with a single employee.
Byer said use of the gym would “definitely” be a factor in whether or not Sunday hours continue. “If it’s not being used, we’ll re-evaluate it.”
The gym was last open on Sundays two years ago.
Resident Joe Parnell pushed for the opening. He said this week he was thrilled. “The Lord works in wondrous ways. Hopefully we can get the word out.”
Open gym on weekdays, Monday through Thursday, recently resumed. Volleyball is offered 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, with basketball on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Women’s basketball is 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays in the junior high gym.
Benton said Community Education also is offering a woodworking class starting Oct. 5 and a tool-making class for Northwest-style carvers, which is almost full.
He said he’d like to offer a pottery class and will resume Ultimate Frisbee games in the small gym in October.
He expects a Well and Fit Challenge class, and said a gardening class may be offered in the spring. “We’ve got a good start this fall.”