I find it interesting how Mr. Poor complains about not getting enough of his letters published when he is one of the most published authors in the Letters to the Editor section of the Chilkat Valley News throughout the last year. If Poor understood the CVN is a private company, he would realize they need to make a profit. He would thus realize that they can’t give every single person a seven-column-inch section of the newspaper every week without going out of business.
If Poor does understand this, he would then understand that the CVN will publish every single non-libelous, truthful, and tactful letter he wishes to send, if he wants to buy the space. In fact they offer paid commentaries at a discounted rate. So come on, Mr. Poor, embrace the CVN, support the CVN, pay the CVN and speak your views as much as you like.
Thank you, Chilkat Valley News, for so graciously giving me what would normally be $84 of print space to openly speak my mind. As far as blogs and Haines News, keep in mind there is a difference from a blog and journalism, and having “news” in the name doesn’t make it journalism. I believe Mr. Poor means well and puts forth a lot of effort to improving the community, but I couldn’t let that last letter slide because he felt shunned. I also expect http://www.chilkatvalleynews.com to appear on Mr. Poor’s blog and Haines News for reciprocal linking.
Zachary Sheldon