What a waste of time and energy. We’ve been there, done that, appealed all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court, divided the community, cost taxpayers thousands of dollars and all for nothing. For me, Karen Hess and her committee are showing their true colors by constantly litigating any time she doesn’t get her way, and verbally attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with her. Roger Maynard called Joanne Waterman, Steve Vick and Daymond Hoffman “unscrupulous” and accused them of “political maneuvering” – and Karen Hess and her committee are not? Wow, sounds like “calling the kettle black” to me. Jerry Lapp and Scott Rossman were just as responsible; they too could have changed their mind and voted for someone else. A “law” that doesn’t account for situations like this, having five people to vote on an issue, cannot ever end in a tie so that the mayor’s vote can break it, may need some revision. A recall now will not do anything but again divide the community and hurt the reputations of those who have unselfishly served their community for years. I say, just say no to the recall petitioners and no to Karen Hess and her litigious ways, ways that have cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars already.
Judy Erekson