I would like to thank the women of HAWC ( Haines Acapella Women’s Chorus) for the baby carrier gifted to my daughter and me, and for a little more. In my life, one could say, not much moss has grown on me:  I have worked seasonally and moved around frequently. It was only recently that I settled in Haines “year-round,” first as a homeowner, then wife, now mother! A rather fast and great lifestyle transition to say the least. Part of my process of settling in was keeping a date with “Thursday Night Chorus.” I have not often felt that comfortable in my own skin, let alone with my singing voice, but with Nancy Nash’s guidance and a roomful of women with varying degrees of talent, and maybe just willingness in common, I discovered a new comfort zone. As my little one grew inside me, she was serenaded on a semi-weekly basis by a chorus of joyful voices. They say babies change everything. They do. They make you more susceptible to love. Thanks for the love, ladies!

Patience Josephine and Susie McCartney Nelson