The sky is dark with flak regarding President Obama’s recent compromise. My initial reaction was similar, until I thought about it. I was (a long time ago) on the dole, and I remember; there’s nothing so frightening as when one is trying desperately to find work and staring down the barrel of unemployment benefits soon to be lost. Our president took deliberate aim, and then shot himself in the foot so that unemployment benefits could be extended for people like you and me, in unfortunate circumstances. Barack Obama did the “unpopular thing,” the “undemocratic” thing, because he cared more for his people (us) than his political reputation, so that people could face the New Year with hope. Unlike George W. Bush, who said, unequivocally, that he “…represents the people who agree with (him)” this is the president I’ve waited and prayed for since Truman — a man who has the strength to do the right thing, no matter the political or personal consequences. I ask Democrats, closet bigots, and the rest of us: Cut him a little slack. Unlike the previous administration, President Obama appears to be working for us all.
Mike A. Bradac