Some of the shareholders that live here in Haines are outraged that our village corporation’s business would be placed in the local paper with such detail.
The directors/trustees are not supposed to share details on lawsuits or any sensitive issues that’s discussed within the board room so it was obviously sought out, neglecting the shareholders’ right to be notified by the board and not CVN.
Give Klukwan, Inc. and its shareholders the respect for the privacy that we deserve. Our business is not for local entertainment nor is it appreciated.
Furthermore, we are appalled that CVN would print such detail. Truly, what does this community gain from reading Klukwan, Inc.’s sensitive internal affairs? Where is the respect for all of the years that our village corporation has brought millions of dollars into this community, not to mention helping numerous businesses become successful?
This type of “journalism” is ridiculous. Klukwan, Inc. deserves more than another “kick-in-the-gut.” Try writing about the contributions of Klukwan, Inc. versus their internal disputes. It’s embarrassing!
Nancy Coleman
Klukwan, Inc. shareholder