The paid political ads of Rep. Bill Thomas are deceitful and an insult to the voters of Haines. While the political ad campaign pretends to be a spontaneous outpouring of gratitude from a number of Haines businesses, it is instead a carefully coordinated scheme by Thomas and his campaign officers to trick Haines voters. It is also illegal.
Last year, when the Bush U.S. Supreme Court appointees, Roberts and Alito, opened the floodgates of unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns in the Citizen’s United 5-4 decision, it was the end of a democracy “of the people, for the people and by the people.” Their bizarre decision however did not give open license for corporations to contribute directly to candidates, but instead permitted corporations to support or oppose candidates only through “independent expenditures,” that is, ads that the corporation created and paid for without the knowledge of the candidate and/or coordination with his/her campaign.
The Thomas ads were created and solicited by his campaign team. Many of the ads were paid for by business owners who are also officers of Thomas’ campaign. This makes the ads doubly deceitful. While Representative Thomas should bear full responsibility for his campaign, unfortunately some of Haines’ local businesses may end up getting stuck with the bill for fines levied by the Alaska Public Offices Commission after their investigation.
If a candidate can’t follow the laws, why should we trust the candidate to make the laws? My vote is going to Robert Beedle.
Tim June