As avid readers of the CVN, both in paper form and on-line, we noticed a series of ads being run that thank Rep. Bill Thomas for his hard work and job well done. We would like to seize the opportunity to also join in and thank Mr. Thomas for his caring attitude and hard work in supporting his constituents. Earlier this year we were honored to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of our mother and father, Leo and George Ann Smith. In support of that celebration, Rep. Thomas and his staff took the initiative to author and sponsor a commemoration through the Alaska State Legislature honoring the occasion. They provided a beautiful, framed version of the commemoration, which served as a wonderful presentation during the anniversary celebration and is now proudly displayed in our parents’ home. We would like to personally extend a thank-you to Rep. Thomas and his staff for the caring attitude and hard-working initiative shown to his constituents. Hopefully the people of the Chilkat Valley will recognize the superior representation provided by Rep. Bill Thomas and vote for a continuation of that same, excellent representation.
Andy Smith and Cynthia Bennett