Concerning the “infractions” committed by Southeast Alaska Backcountry Adventures, and certain Haines citizens’ efforts to penalize them: What was SEABA supposed to do when these “extra heli-skiers” showed up, putting them over their quota? Send them back home? How much money did those people pay to come to Haines, Alaska, to ski the most awesome extreme skiing in the world? Was SEABA supposed to say, “Sorry, full up. Come back next year”? It’s not like they are running an overfull miniature golf course in Effingham, Illinois, you know.

SEABA is one of the few business in town that attracts visitors willing to come to Haines and spend money, and you people want to punish them for being successful, and, as Mr. Figdor says, refuse SEABA a permit next year. I thought Haines was supposed be a friendly community, and yet the borough is urged to penalize and refuse a permit to a budding business. Real “kind” and “tolerant.” But at least I see a clear majority was there at the Haines Borough Assembly meeting that showed support for SEABA, and that’s a good thing. But you other people who spout your pious platitudes about tolerance and diversity, how about showing some of that same stuff here for your fellow Haines citizens? My, my, Haines, Alaska, always known for its political division between those who would like to see economic development and those citizens who seem to be against virtually everything: C.A.V.E. people.

Kevin C. Nye

