In the many years I’ve lived in the Porcupine, I’ve seen men who were hunters and men who were killers.
I remember the many grouse on the road 20 years ago that are no more. We had wolverine and marten, but they are virtually trapped out.
The wolves on the hill above my home howl no more. They have been dead for two years.
I understand and respect a man who goes out and puts meat in the house for winter. I do not understand men who drive down Porcupine Road, shooting from their pickup bed everything that walks, moves or crawls.
Do they understand that a .22 bullet can travel up to a mile from a rifle? Do they understand that the people across the river from me are less than a mile from me? Do they care about my neighbors when they have a small, helpless animal in their sights?
Enough is enough. These men either don’t know this or don’t care. If for the sake of animals or people, this behavior or recklessness is unacceptable.
What would you do if your family or neighbors were under fire? The Porcupine needs to be protected for everyone, not destroyed for the fun.
Anney Shuder