I have never written a letter to the editor before, but I heard a story tonight that has inspired me to speak out my feelings.
First, I would like to tell you how I feel about being a “Proud Tlingit;” those two words are used a lot; you see it on baseball caps, shirts, bumper stickers, and all. And sometimes we tend to forget the meaning behind those words. Pride is being appreciative, content in ourselves, contented in our culture, dignified without ego, fiery in our heart, gorgeous, not conformed, being great-hearted, honored, illustrious, and spirited! And I think that this not only applies to Tlingits, but to all people; freedom to be ourselves, freedom to live, to respect, and be respected.
My inspiration to this letter is a story I heard of an employer making his employee to change his “persona.” Who’s to say that we can or can’t do what we want to ourselves as long as it’s not hurting anyone else? From what I understand, this person is doing what he wants for charity; which I think is splendid! Our world has conformed too much that I don’t know what to do. And who’s to tell me what I can or cannot do in my own land? I’m 100 percent Tlingit, 41 yrs old, and a Raven/Coho. I think we Tlingits have a right to be ourselves, grow our hair long and beautiful, dance to the beat of the drum, and thank Mother Earth for the food we eat.
And in honor of this person, I will shop at the other store. But I am saddened to hear such a thing. Please, people, let’s respect each other. Life is too short sometimes.
Rhonda Degtoff