Let me begin by stating that I am a skier, and not antagonistic to heli-skiing, provided that it is done in a responsible manner.

Nevertheless, I am very disturbed by the statements made by spokespersons for Southeast Alaska Backcountry Adventures regarding their deliberate and flagrant disregard for local regulations. In the latest issue of the Chilkat Valley News, Scott Sundberg seems to imply that the fault is with the borough for not taking the time to “understand the industry.” He goes on to apparently question the borough’s right to regulate the industry stating, “I’d really look into your home-rule powers.”

As residents of Haines, most of us try to follow the laws and regulations of the borough, which are established for the benefit of all. We don’t question the borough’s right to establish regulations, nor our responsibility to abide by them. SEABA apparently considers borough regulations to fall somewhere between optional and laughable. Their violations were deliberate, willful, and substantial, certainly not accidental. Is this the kind of business we want operating in Haines? How can we expect any other business or individual to follow the rules if this behavior is tolerated?

I strongly urge the assembly to levy the maximum fine legally allowable, and to not renew SEABA’s permit for future seasons. This company should not be allowed to make a profit by being lawless. Maybe we can attract more responsible businesses to operate in our community and issue them the heli-skiing permits instead.

Robert W. Miller
