Congratulations to Chris and Elissa Brooks on the birth of their second son. Winston Rally Brooks was born July 2st1 at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau. Older brother Ohlin will now be sharing grandparents Ron and Laurie Alsup, Arlene Brooks, and Steve Brooks with the little guy. Local uncles are Andrew Brooks and Jesse Alsup. Elissa said everyone is doing great.
Nine-day-old Winston was the youngest attendee at a Haines High reunion for the classes of 1999, 2000 and 2001 hosted by Corrie Nash at her family’s home Friday. About 30 classmates joined visiting friends for the barbecue and slide show. Tyler Healy came from Palmer, where he works with at-risk students. Tyler’s younger brother Kelly graduated after the reunion cut-off, but spent plenty of time with his brother at the fair. Kelly is a helicopter pilot in Skagway. Ben Egolf flew in from Peoria