Haines voters will get to meet candidates running for office at this year’s fair, with local Republican and Democrat chapters hosting tables.

Deborah Vogt, chair of the local Democratic Party, said literature, signs and buttons will be available at the group’s booth.

Cordova fisherman Robert Beedle, who is running for the House District 5 seat, will be in Haines for the fair weekend, she said. Information will be available for state Rep. Harry Crawford, D-Anchorage, running for U.S. House of Representatives, and Sitka Mayor Scott McAdams, running for U.S. Senate. The national candidates could be here, but only McAdams is confirmed.

Democrats are hosting a meet-and-greet Saturday, July 31 from 5-7 p.m. at the Haines Senior Center.

Republican chair Robert Venables said information on Republican candidates will be available at their booth. Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell will be in town and at the fairgrounds Saturday, including serving as grand marshal of Saturday’s fair parade.

Former state Rep. Ralph Samuels, who is running for governor, will be in town Friday from noon to 2 p.m.

House District 5 incumbent, state Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Haines, will be around during the fair weekend.

There will be information available on Parnell and challenger attorney Bill Walker. Lieutenant governor candidates state Rep. Jay Ramras, R-Fairbanks, and businessman Mead Treadwell also will have information at the booth.

U.S. Rep. Don Young and challenger Sheldon Fisher are Congressional candidates who will have information at the booth.
