We would like to say thank you to all the walkers and sponsors of the Chilkat River Walk on Saturday, May 15. Thank you especially to: Mark McCready at Alaska Power & Telephone for the great poster, Alaska Meat and Grocery for the oranges, Chilkat Guides for the bus and driver, Southeast Alaska State Fair and Haines Brewing Co. for the bandanas, and the Bridge Club for the tables and chairs. We also want to thank Art Jess, Alaska Guard House and SEARHC Wisewoman/Women’s Health for their great support! Special congratulations go to everyone who walked the entire 22 miles from Klukwan to the Southeast fairgrounds; and, a big thank you to the many volunteers who manned the water stations along the route. We thank you very much and appreciate your service to our community!

Pam Sloper and Mandy Ramsey

Chilkat River Walk Committee
