In an effort to provide informative, helpful resources to the entire community, Lynn Canal Counseling Services applied for and was awarded a $500 grant from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation, an affiliate of Alaska Community Foundation, to purchase mental health and substance-abuse related materials for the public library. The grant required matching funds to be raised. LCCS wishes to thank the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for the grant as well as recognize the collaborators who donated money to meet the match requirement: Lynn Canal Counseling Services ($200), SEARHC Community Family Services ($100), Haines Borough Public Library ($100) and Robin Grace, LCSW, ($100). The materials cover a wide range of behavioral health topics and include selections to help people who have been diagnosed with mental illness or have substance abuse disorders and their familes to cope and provide self-help. Selections also include books on parenting and dealing with divorce, with several titles for children as well. Special thanks to library staff Ellen Borders, Barb Blood, Rebecca Heaton, and Patty Brown for ordering, processing and displaying new books!
Becky Chapin, executive director
Lynn Canal Counseling Services