Hi there,
Rashah McChesney here, the new owner and publisher of the Chilkat Valley News.
You may have noticed that we added an extra week to our annual break this year and that’s because we’re 🎉🎉🎉launching a new website. 🎉🎉🎉
I am so excited for you to try it out.
If you’re an existing subscriber, we’ve moved all of your information over and you should be able to access your account by following these steps:
- Visit ChilkatValleyNews
- Select “Login” on the righthand corner of the page
- Click “Lost Password”
- Fill in your username or email address then smash that “Get New Password” button.
- This should email a password to the email address associated with your account.
- If you run into any trouble, give us a call at 766-2688 or email us at [email protected].
Now, you might be thinking: “Rashah, I have an account but I haven’t subscribed,” or “I let my subscription lapse,” or “woah, there’s a newspaper here?!”
If you’re a new or returning subscriber and you’d like to support independent, professional local news – you can follow these steps:
- Visit ChilkatValleyNews
- Select “Subscribe” on the righthand corner of the page
- Pick from one of our digital-only subscriptions or if you prefer ink-stained thumbs like I do…Click Print + Digital link and choose from one of our many options there.
- Login in with your existing account, or create a new one, pay for your subscription and walk a little taller today knowing you’ve supported independent, local news and information to the Upper Lynn Canal.
Thanks for reading and subscribing, and I look forward to meeting you!