Beginners are many, finishers are few – a quote from a book someone lent me recently. 

My hope for the Haines Borough is that it can finish the projects that are underway. We have made significant progress toward funding the repair of Lutak Dock, made a significant inroad to the funding to replace the dilapidated Public Safety Building, made the Borough a more competitive employer, and along the way built a strong team. 

Borough employees are not perfect, we make mistakes, and we try to learn from them. I encourage residents to think before assuming the hubris of knowing what it is any individual employee of the Borough is tasked with in their position. 

I have enjoyed my time as Borough Manager. The most rewarding part of the job has been my interaction with the dedicated employees of the Borough. I have appreciated the citizens who came to my office or called or emailed with constructive suggestions, complaints or needs. 

My best wishes to Interim Manager Elke Doom and the Borough Assembly.

Annette Kreitzer
