To the people of Haines: As members of Carol Waldo’s family, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible support during her funeral service. Your presence and assistance provided comfort during a difficult time, and we are truly thankful.

Special thanks to everyone at SEARHC, the Haines Ambulance Crew, and HPD officers and dispatchers for their professionalism and care. Vince and Jansy Hansen, the pallbearer group including the Sticklers and Roger Schnabel, and the Hospice Singers & volunteers from Hospice of Haines played a crucial role.

We are also grateful for the kindness shown by Teresa Ann and Ryan Cook, as well as Ethan, Kelsey, Joel and Emily. Your collective efforts made a significant impact, and we appreciate the compassion you shared.

We’d also like to thank Tom Morphet, for the people he interviewed and for taking the time to write a piece that really captured our mother/grandmother’s life and what she stood for.

Thank you for honoring Carol’s memory and providing unwavering support.

Kenny Waldo, on behalf of the Waldo family
