Holly Davis was recently gifted a new handcrafted ukulele from a group of families that wanted to acknowledge all she does for Haines. Gift organizer Jenn Walsh had the idea on Christmas (which is also Holly’s birthday). “Holly does so much for the community and story time is a wonderful place where families can come together. My son just loves her. She starts singing and he instantly is engaged in what she is doing,” Jenn said. Meghan Elliott suggested that a new ukulele might be nice because Holly uses her ukulele during most of her story time. Jenn contacted Terry Jacobson who makes the handcrafted instruments and he was happy to let her pick one. Jenn asked for small donations from families to help pay for the cost. Many were quick to help and Holly was surprised and a little speechless when she was gifted her new ukulele last month.

Mandy Ramsey’s photography was recently chosen for the front and back cover of the winter edition of Alaska Women Speak. Mandy’s photo, titled “Winter Sun Effects,” is featured on the cover and “Chilkat Frost Forest” is on the back. A week later she received news that she won first place for the Skagway Convention & Visitor Bureau’s contest for her essay “My Happiest Place, Jewell Gardens” which was a tribute to her friend and mentor: the late Charlotte Jewell. “I am so grateful this essay was chosen,” Mandy said. “It helped me move through my grief and share my love and respect for this incredible woman.” To read Mandy’s winning along with other entries, visit http://www.skagway.com/upclose.

Henry Chatoney is back and recovering from a fall on the ice that occurred before Christmas. Henry’s friends say he is doing well for being 77 years young. He is enjoying all the dinners and treats his friends have brought him during the last couple weeks.

Connie Allen, daughter of Marilyn Allen and sister to Mark Allen, was recently awarded a red belt in karate while living in Juneau. Connie said she started training at the Juneau Karate Academy in the Jordan Mall last August and is on her way to receiving a black belt.

Corrie and Daniel Stickler traveled to Costa Rica with their sons Olen and Aksel. They stayed in the resort town of Playa Hermosa. Three-year-old Olen said his favorite parts of the trip were “The big giant iguanas everywhere, the Diamante Animal Park where we saw jaguars and monkeys, and playing on the beach.” Former resident Dave Berry, his wife Mary, and their daughter Catherine met up with the Stickler family on their tropical vacation along with Corrie’s father, Don Nash and friend of the family, Tom Ward.

Michael and Lilly Ford have recently moved to Haines from Palmer. The family has started a new business called Ripinski Mechanical. “Our favorite part of living here are the friendly people and slow pace of the town, it’s very relaxing,” Lilly said. The couple has two children, Abilena and Judah. Michael’s parents are Simon and Jennifer Ford. Simon was a former police officer and Olerud’s Market Center employee.

Margaret Sebens was in North Carolina for five months working as a travel speech therapist, getting her daughter Bozhi Sebens settled and coordinating home care for her parents. Bozhi is happy in Fayetteville where she is working as a receptionist in a CPA firm and taking classes at the local community college. Margaret is in Haines briefly before she moves to Juneau to work at Bartlett Hospital as a case manager and speech therapist. Her good friend Jacquie Phillips and daughter Natalie visited Haines and were blown away by the beauty and remoteness. Jacquie got first hand experience in the challenges of travel and medical care while in Haines. She fell down the stairs and broke her leg. “We had just left yoga where Melina Shields had serenaded us with a song about removing obstacles,” Margaret said. “As she was lying on the stairs with her broken leg while the ambulance crew worked, Jacquie quipped, ‘So much for the obstacle song.’” She was medevaced to Juneau, has had surgery and is doing well.

The Community Youth Development (CYD) Girls Basketball Team had a bake sale at the Glacier Bears home basketball game last weekend. They raised over $400 dollars and the proceeds will go to the Angoon middle school teams expenses for coming up for the Triple Threat Tournament happening this weekend. Coaches Tiffany DeWitt and Lori Giddings organized the sale.

Gov. Walker reappointed Terry Pardee for a fourth term on the Alaska Veteran’s Advisory Countil. The 13 member council meets annually and makes advisory comments on legislation, regulations, policy and the budget related to veteran services and benefits. It also works with the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs.
