Charlotte Libby Rietze was born on July 7 at the Juneau Family Birth Center to Genny and Harry Rietze. Charlotte “Lottie” was born at 3 a.m. and weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces. Harry and big brother Hugh almost missed her fast arrival because Hugh wanted to look at the trucks outside. Lottie shares a birthday with Iris Kemp, one of Genny’s best friends from school.
Vince and Jansy Hansen have returned from a trip up Santa Claus Mountain (Mount Villard). Al Badgely dropped the couple off across Lynn Canal and they climbed to Paradise Lake. “We were blessed with a sunny day and a tolerable amount of insects. After bushwhacking our way up to the lake, we swam and soaked up the peacefulness of the area. That evening we were visited by a cow moose and two calves,” Jansy said. From there they started the rest of their ascent following six goats that summited right before them. After photos on the summit, they descended to the beach and were greeted by a light rain shower as they broke out of the trees. “A wonderful couple of days spent enjoying God’s creation,” Jansy added.
Kids from across the state and Southeast came to the Culture and Environmental Stewardship Camp earlier this month at Chilkoot Lake fish camp. “Activities included understanding values, respect, giving back, medicine, food and more,” said Jolanta Ryan, library education coordinator. Camp leader Heather Powell from Hoonah brought five junior camp counselors and instructed the 35 participants. Other activities included lure making with Rich Chapell, devil’s club harvesting, drumming with Ted Hart, and singing songs and playing games. Local guides taught a cold-water safety class with kayaks and the group traveled to Klukwan to visit the Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center.
The Hammer Museum’s annual Fourth of July spike driving and nail pounding competitions were a big success this year. Over 60 adults participated in the event. Haines’ Wesley Verhamme won the men’s division with a record-breaking time of 4.59 seconds, with Keegan Mallet from Juneau coming in second at 6.56 seconds. Lily Ford won the women’s division with a time of 20.22 seconds and Victoria Hansen came in second, driving her spike in 20.78 seconds. Around 250 kids hammered nails into a sawhorse, winning a hammer-shaped pencil for their efforts.
Brian and Sarah Elliott, and their daughters Caroline and Ivy, hosted Brian’s family over the Fourth of July holiday and to celebrate Brian’s birthday. Brian’s brother and sister-in-law Brad and Emily Elliott and their kids Liam and Jordan visited from Los Angeles. Jim and Trisha Koch with sons James and Wesley travelled from Wisconsin along with Brian’s mom Marilyn Elliott and her husband Chuck Sturm. Todd Elliott made the longest trip, coming from New York. Some of Sarah’s family visited as well to celebrate, including Eliza and Justin Dorn and their kids James and Molly from Juneau, JJ Hinderberger from Unalaska and Bob Vuillet who stayed with his daughter Suzanne Smith. The families enjoyed the festivities and a day trip to Rutzebeck Lake.
The Cancer Fund Golf Tournament had a great turnout last weekend with almost 40 participants at the Valley of the Eagles Golf Links. The winning team included Ralph, Kayley and Tyler Swinton and Tyler’s fiancée Lynzee Wortman with a score of 31, or five under par. Next fundraiser tournament is for Mary Folletti on Aug. 11.
Kirsten Amann was the lucky winner of two stand-up paddleboards that Chilkat Valley Preschool raffled off on the Fourth of July. “We raised over $500 to help with operation costs,” said treasurer Kat Cheney.
Haines Middle School students Sally Chapell, Griffin Culbeck, Stella Ordóñez, Matilda Rogers, and Rio Ross-Hirsh presented their creations from the Sitka Fine Arts Camp on Main Street for First Friday. “Work was presented from classes such as gouache, photography, portraiture and block printing. Attendees enjoyed the fresh perspectives and the five emerging talents were on-hand for the occasion,” said shop co-owner Amelia Nash.
Norman and Bianca Jurisch visited Haines from Germany on June 27 and 28. They stayed with friends Nate and Jen Motes on Chilkat Lake, and then traveled to Juneau to get married. On their way to the airport, they snapped a photo at the “Honeymoon Hotel” on Haines Highway.
Haines’ beloved former first grade teacher Barbara Mark lost her daughter Alexa Mark to cancer earlier this month. Alexa is survived by her husband Ted and 18-month-old daughter, Raven. Notes can be sent to Mrs. Mark at [email protected].