The Chilkat Snowburners would like to thank the many volunteers and participants that made the Chilkat Lake 100 happen this year.

Thank you to Kelly Jessup, Melissa Snell, Dylan Swinton, Levi McClurg, Kevin Stodder and Gable Sage for the great bonfire, the help setting the racetrack and providing such a great venue for the race. Thanks to Patrick Cowart for the phenomenal prime rib lunch. Thanks to our race director Brody Ferrin for all his work keeping the race moving smoothly. A very big thanks to Kaitlin McLaughlin and Elissa Brooks for their timing expertise despite the bitter cold and wind. A big thanks to the Ugly’s of Haines for their continued support of the event and their positive work in the community. A thank you to all that participated in the race. Endeavoring to complete 20 laps around a tight, winding 5-mile course with drifting snow driven from relentless north wind is no easy undertaking. The sore muscles and broken sleds are a testament to your strong character. Finally, a thank you to everyone who came out for the race. We hope a good time was had and we see you again next year.


Christopher Brooks on behalf of The Chilkat Snowburners
