As a newly-appointed member of the Haines Planning Commission, I would hope Mr. Richard Clement would be more informed and open minded about the proposed $25 million “industrial” dock project that will cost the “community” hundreds of thousands of dollars in maintenance per year and the possible “industrialization” of the Haines Highway Lutak Road ore truck haul route.

His patronizing dismissal of a public debate re: “community dock” versus “industrial dock” doesn’t bode well for the public when a public official doesn’t want to converse with the “community” about issues that affect the long-term health and wellbeing of the “community.” Mr. Clement might clear up some of his confusion over “community dock” versus “industrial dock” if he would re-read Tom Morphet’s commentary in a recent CVN, in which Mr. Morphet points out that Skagway’s much smaller dock moves much larger amounts of freight to many more customers than Haines’ dock and it seems to serve the community of Skagway. Currently, to my knowledge, AML and Delta Western are not asking for a new 600-foot-long dock.

Clean water and a healthy fishery are very important parts of our economy. Please show your support for a dock that meets community needs.

-Scott Carey
