Haines School superintendent Roy Getchell might add “light dentistry” to the list of “other duties, as assigned” in his contract. Getchell donned rubber gloves to remove a loose tooth that was bothering second-grader Parker Baumgartner Monday. Parker walked into the district office with a sore tooth and looking for some support from grandmom Judy Erekson, the district’s bookkeeper. Roy offered to take care of the tooth. He also wanted half the loot from the tooth fairy but Parker said no deal.
The Haines Archery Club held a Basic Archery Instructor training in Haines Jan. 28-29 for certification in the National Archery in the Schools Program. Andus Hale, Jordan Baumgartner, Sean Asquith and Corrie Stickler participated, as did Klukwan School trainees Shauna Kinison, Justina Starzinski, Todd Rainingbird and Nicholas Szatkowski. Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Katelyn Zonneville provided training, inspected equipment and gave an equipment repair clinic. Leigh Horner, instructor for the archery club since 2008, is excited to have new certified instructors on staff to continue this fun program with students in grades 4-12. Andus is scheduling arching for physical education classes next week.
Former Haines School music teacher Kristina Mulready is living in Juneau, where she’s working as a wedding photographer. Kristina, recently teaching in Fairbanks, retired in December. She married Will Hayes one year ago. Will’s retirement ceremony was held last week, capping 32 years in the U.S. Army. Kristina said friends can check her out at @akmusicgirl on Instagram.
A training class for lifeguards at the Haines pool will be held Feb. 19-21 at the pool. Lifeguard candidates must be 15 or older. Call pool manager Jae McDermaid for more information, 314-0921.
The Haines branch of First National Bank of Alaska last week celebrated the run-up to its 100th birthday Jan. 30 with 1920s period decoration, a daily raffle and other give-aways. Amy Thorgesen won the top prize, a 1922 silver dollar. A local branch of First National Bank of Juneau opened here in 1961, following an appeal from Oslund’s Hardware that one was needed in Haines as businesses were being pressed to cash checks. In 1962, the bank merged with First National Bank of Anchorage. The bank changed to its current name in 2001.
The Haines High School Art Club is selling wood-block print valentines to raise money for a club trip to Seattle in April. Art teacher Giselle Miller said a pack of four cards, each with a different design, will go for a suggested donation of $10. Valentines will be available starting Feb. 10 at the school office, the Alaska Arts Confluence office and the brewery. Miller is planning to take eight students to art schools, museums and galleries in the Emerald City.
Kindergarten teacher Hailey Sanders is looking for pizza boxes for a Valentine’s Day art project in her class. Drop them off at the school office.
About 20 snowmachine riders turned out for Sunday’s Poker Run sponsored by the Haines Snowburners. Chris Brooks said Jenn Walsh and Chris Downer were big winners in the $10 ante round. Nick Fargnoli of Juneau, Levi McClurg and Landon McLaughlin were tops, respectively, in the $20 ante. The group’s next events include a Mosquito Lake Race Feb. 26 and the Chilkat Lake 100 on March 12.
Youth minister Amy Nash received the Saint John Paul II Parish Leadership Award for her “amazing work in general and especially during the Covid restrictions.” An award announcement said Nash’s creativity in ministry and commitment to creating a team of parishioners to support our youth is central to her ministry. Her award will be conferred on Feb. 9 via Zoom. Amy works at St. Luke Catholic Church in Shoreline, Wash.
Six Haines women friends joined as many friends from the Lower 48 in Las Vegas last weekend to celebrate the birthday of former resident Christa Pottenger. The Haines contingent included Renee Hoffman, Jenn Talley, Leslie Ross, Cynde Adams, Alissa Henry and Knikki Cinocco. The gang took in the Cirque de Soleil and a Santanna concert. The group was last together for the Ragnar Trail Relay, a footrace near Utah’s Zion National Park.
