It is unfortunate that Mayor Bronson of Anchorage does not know what more can be done to stem the spread of Covid in his town. One wonders if he has considered speaking with Dr. Anne Zink and the CDC. Those working on this problem do have ideas.

During the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic when many Alaska villages were decimated by illness, Utqiagvik, Shishmaref, Shaktoolik and Council quarantined and escaped contagion. That idea seems radical to some today. Yet, as Charles Brower observed, the Eskimo knew better. In fact, I understand that Klukwan is experiencing success with this method.  

 More recently, in Haines, a self-proclaimed Second Amendment sanctuary city, the wearing of masks, vaccinating citizens above the age of 12, and encouraging limited contact with those who have tested positive have helped slow the rate of new infection. It has also been established in other communities where those suggestions have been followed that the rates of illness and death have actually been lowered. 

Meanwhile, taking worm medicine and drinking bleach make matters worse. These measures lead to other medical problems and are not recommended.  

If you are unwilling to limit the spread of disease by wearing a mask, please stay at home.  Risking your own life may serve your best interests but does not give you the privilege of taking your neighbor out with you. 

Science over fiction:

Take the vaccine and save someone else’s life

Jean Ballanco
