Assembly adopts Chilkat River Access recommendations
The borough assembly unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday endorsing the Chilkat River Access Working Group’s recommendations for improved state maintenance of the Haines Highway Miles 12 to 26. The recommendations will go to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
The working group met three times in April and May and included members from the state departments of transportation and fish and game, Takshanuk Watershed Council, commercial tour operators, and recreational, subsistence and sport users.
Borough will apply for Lutak Dock improvements grant
The borough will apply for a federal BUILD grant for Lutak Dock improvements, which could cover 100 percent of project costs up to $25 million. The grant application excludes the proposed roll-on/roll-off portion of the borough-owned dock that is under negotiation for improvements by Alaska Marine Lines.
The borough assembly voted unanimously to support the application. The federal BUILD program stands for Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development.
Borough will apply for state loan to repair water pipes
The borough will apply for a loan from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to replace approximately 3,300 feet of deteriorating asbestos-cement water pipe on Small Tracts and Mud Bay Roads, and Front Street.
The borough will apply for the loan, grant-writer Krista Kielsmeier said, because the state municipal matching-grant program that the borough previously used for water system updates was eliminated. The state loan could include up to $500,000 in loan forgiveness. The project is estimated to cost about $2.28 million, and would be repaid over a maximum 30-year term with 2 percent interest.
If the borough is approved for the loan, the assembly would need to vote again to authorize borrowing the money.
Assembly has no position on university timber
The borough assembly voted unanimously to send a letter to the University of Alaska Board of Regents and university president to ask for more information and to state that the assembly has not taken a position regarding the school’s proposed timber sale in the Haines Borough. “The assembly continues to believe that data is insufficient to allow a reasoned decision one way or another,” the letter said.
The letter was written by borough manager Debra Schnabel and amended by the assembly.
The assembly adopted member Sean Maidy’s proposal to delete sentences detailing Haines history with the timber industry.
Assembly member Brenda Josephson, who supports the timber sale, proposed to add to the noncommittal letter that the assembly was split on the timber sale. Josephson’s amendment added the actual 4-2 vote count of a previous meeting to withhold support for the timber sale.
Mayor Jan Hill broke a tie in favor of the Josephson amendment.