After our national elections, we now know our constitutional Republic is in trouble. Apathetic voters threw our country and our constitution under the bus and called our Founding Fathers a “bunch of dirty old white men!” The authors of the world’s greatest freedom document! Unbelievable! Had we honored their term limits of just two and six years respectively for Congress and not 10, 20, 30 or 40 years of today, we wouldn’t be in this fix. Only the Supreme Court has unlimited term limits. Because of their abusive long-term limits they have become so entrenched and powerful that it’s almost impossible to unseat them. They have voted themselves lavish salaries and lifetime health and retirement benefits. And they call themselves public servants! Only Trump made his living from the private sector. And even refused a salary as president. Just look at how many politicians over the past 40 years have become multimillionaires! Whatever happened to investigative journalism? They are in bed with the crooked politicians! That’s where! Remember when they said Fidel was

“The Abraham Lincoln of Cuba?” I do. Socialism is the halfway house to Communism. It’s not the answer, it’s the problem. Term limits is the answer. 

Dave Werner
