We here at The Salvation Army would like to express what an honor and a privilege it is to serve in such a great community. Once again, as we have seen time and time again, when a difficulty or a need arises, the good folks of Haines pulled together for the greater good. Although the initial fear of COVID- 19 seems to be subsiding a bit, we know that the economic devastation it has caused will go on for many years. As always, we here at The Salvation Army along with many other local agencies will continue to be a light in the darkness, offering financial assistance, access to our food pantry, as well as spiritual and emotional care for those in need. We couldn’t do the things we do here in Haines without the help of other agencies as well as individuals who have given generously throughout these trying times. Although there are too many to mention in this brief article we would like to say a heartfelt “thank you” to the good folks at Royal Caribbean Cruises, Chilkat Valley Community Foundation as well as the local churches and individuals who have gone above and beyond to help us meet the need here in this great community as we continue “doing the most good.”
Captains Kevin and Serina Woods
The Salvation Army Haines