Another FIRST Lego League season of the Redneck Robo Hobos has wrapped up! We appreciate the community support. First, thanks to ten dedicated creative students who participated for our four-month season, taking on all three dimensions: Core Values, Innovation Project, Robot Design and Programming, and preparing for the Robot Game held on Saturday, December 14. We appreciate music teacher, Jennifer Johnson, sharing her space with us for after-school and Saturday practices; Andrea Ferrin and the American Legion for selling raffle tickets and donating to our fund for travel, registration, mat and missions, and robot and project supplies; the Cheney family for donating the camera for a local door prize; and people who bought tickets. We appreciate parents and grandparents who helped us throughout the season and with set-up for our virtual participation in the Juneau Robot Jamboree using the Zoom meeting platform. Skagway friends raised our skills and enthusiasm, including Greg Clem, who taught two days of robot camp here in the summer, and Mary Thole and the Krosswalk Kangaroos who shared tips and spirit. Good luck at State Championship! Thanks to Rebecca Soza of the Juneau Economic Development Council for offering webinars and communication to help us be successful. We appreciate people who participated in the investigation that led to recommendations for the elementary drop-off zone, our innovation project. Lastly, we need more coaches! To meet the increasing interest from students in the community we need people willing to learn more and step into leadership for this worthwhile STEM program.
Patty Brown