Mathias Avenue is the road in most need of reconstruction according to a new road reconstruction priority calculator unanimously approved by the Haines Borough Planning Commission last week.

The calculator scores roads based on six factors: code compliance, traffic volume, risk factor, topography, condition and planned work. Each factor is weighted, and the final sum determines its reconstruction priority.

Mathias Avenue scored a 78.

“It scored the highest because it is far out of compliance…The topography is quite steep, the condition is quite poor, and we do have planned work so it came out as the highest rated of all of them,” public facilities director Ed Coffland told the planning commission during their Dec. 12 meeting.

Coffland, along with borough planner Tim O’Melia, commissioner Don Turner and Will Hickman created the calculator.

“I’d like to thank everyone involved with that, that is a huge tool I’m looking forward to using,” commissioner Diana Lapham said.

“Thanks for quantifying this, taking the subjectivity out of it,” planning commissioner Rob Goldberg said.

Of the 90 roads listed, those in highest need of reconstruction behind Mathias Avenue include Tower Road (64), Young Road (61) and Totem Street (60.)

The lowest priority roads according to the score system are Otter Street (18), Rivers Street (22), Spruce Grove Road (22) and Major Road (23.)
