Monday was a much-anticipated first day of swim practice for the Haines Dolphins Swim Team. The team has been patiently waiting for the pool to open the past few months due to construction delays. “We had 43 kids in the water and have 71 signed up to swim. It’s going to be a big year,” said head swim coach Jackie St. Clair. Other coaches include, Sarah Elliott, Jim Green, and junior coaches Dylan Chapell, and Lydia Andriesen.
Tiffany DeWitt recently traveled to Anchorage to attend statewide Head Start conferences for teachers and staff along with her crew. While there she caught up with aunt Cydney Turhune and also watched cousin Kyle Fossman in his element as the Alaska Seawolves assistant basketball coach. The Seawolves played Northern Michigan, defeating the Wildcats 84-76.
Haines library board member Lori Carter and her family constructed a large cardboard gingerbread house which will be featured at the library kids area for all of December. “The large piece of cardboard came from Candi Bradford’s furniture store, a few sturdy support pieces from Helen Alten. We also used paper plates for shingles and sour cream containers for gumdrops with tissue and tulle. Most of the ideas came from Pinterest,” Carter said. The gingerbread house was featured at the Lighting of the Library on Saturday.
Forrest Podisiki returned from a trip to San Luis Obispo earlier this fall with fellow ‘08 graduate classmates. Haines High School class of 2008 alumni Kelly Edmond, Carolyn Kendell, Kee and Belle Heywood made the trip. “We found a secluded private campground in the hills surrounded by deer and fox and we spent the week surfing, four-wheeling on sand dunes, and soaking in the hot springs,” Podsiki said. After, Podsiki and the Heywoods hiked through the redwoods. While there, Forrest bought a new truck and visited his cousin Taylor Reed. “Every year or so the classmates of ‘08 get together, those who couldn’t make it this time were Chandler Kemp, Tristan Sebens, Marley Horner, Even Humphrey and Chris Downer. We have been to Europe, Yosemite, Vegas, Thailand and we are already looking forward to our next trip,” Podsiki added.
Summer resident Amy Nash recently traveled to Israel on a pilgrimage with several members of her church in Seattle. “It was incredible! We floated out on the Sea of Galilee, waded in the Jordan River, walked the Via Dolorosa (the Way of the Cross), visited Bethlehem and Nazareth, prayed at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and at the foot of Cross where Jesus was crucified,” said Amy.
Craig and Sheri Loomis recently attended the Seattle Seahawks football game against the Minnesota Vikings along with their daughter Erica Loomis and her partner Paul Carrington in Seattle on Monday. Craig and Sheri were celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary and even made a sign they held at the game that read “Haines, AK, Us equals 43 years.”
Stuart and Lexie DeWitt along with their children Charlie, Loralai, and Lucas are back from a week-long trip to Washington to see family over Thanksgiving. On the way, they visited Josh and Tennie Bentz and their daughters Taiya and Kinley and enjoyed their annual “Mexgiving” party with other Juneau friends. Charlie and Kinley also visited the Dimond Park Aquatic Center and Charlie said he went off the high dive at least 10 times. In Washington the family caught up with aunts uncles, cousins, and grandparents. “My favorite part was going to see Frozen 2,” said Loralai.
