The effects of the Haines Borough Volunteer Fire Department’s annual Fire Prevention Week paid off last Thursday afternoon when Haines Middle School teacher Jordan Baumgartner put out a vehicle fire.
“It was the first time I ever used a fire extinguisher besides when we do it at the fire department,” Baumgartner said. “Everything I did was what (HVFD volunteer) Chuck Mitman tells all the little kids, which is (the acronym) PASS: Pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.”
Baumgartner was in his classroom when fellow teacher Pete Degen approached Baumgartner’s classroom while Degen was on the phone with Haines dispatch.
“He said, ‘Jordan look out the window,’” Baumgartner said. “I looked out and I saw the car on fire. He said, ‘Do you have a fire extinguisher?’ I looked over and I said, ‘Yeah.’ He said, ‘Well, you should probably use it.’”
Baumgartner’s classroom has a view of Main Street, where the parked car was on fire. He said he could see flames whipping out of the vehicle’s hood on the passenger side and by the time he ran to extinguish the fire, the flames had spread toward the right side.
He said he’s attended the fire prevention week for the past three years with his middle school students.
Mitman said it feels “outstanding” to know that Baumgartner used the training. “That’s exactly what it’s for, to make sure (people) are acclimated.”
HVFD chief Al Giddings said the fire was started by an electrical short near the passenger-side headlight. The engine did not burn, Giddings said. “The damage to the vehicle is just the headlights and the electrical wiring,” Giddings said.
HVFD volunteers and Haines Police responded to the fire. Giddings said he could tell Baumgartner had attended and paid attention during fire prevention week activities. “From what I saw, it was the perfect execution. Textbook,” Giddings said. “That’s always exciting to see from the fire department standpoint.”