Courtney Culbeck
Team photo taken after races in Sitka. From left to right: Luke Davis, Avery Williamson, Haley Boron, Siyel George, Kirby Faverty, Coach Chandler Kemp, Mark Davis, Carver Culbeck, Averi Getchell, Mackenzy Dryden, Hannah Boron, Lydia Andriesen, top of shoulders is Arik Miller, on bottom are Grace Long and Carson Crager.

At the regional championship in Sitka last weekend, the girls cross-country team placed first in their division and the boys placed second, qualifying both for the state championship this weekend.

Mackenzy Dryden finished second in her division, followed just six seconds later by Avery Williamson. The rest of the team finished within one minute and 30 seconds of Dryden, a small margin between runners, said head coach Chandler Kemp.

“That doesn’t happen very often,” said Kemp. “Even in all the running I’ve done, it’s rare.”

Many of the girls keep each other in their sights for motivation.

“We are able to consistently keep pulling each other forward,” said junior Hannah Boron.

The largest gap between any two Haines girls was just 16 seconds.

Cross country teams are scored at meets through a point system. The first place runner gets one point, the second gets two, and so on. The team with the lowest number of points wins.

The girls received 33 points, followed by Petersburg, Wrangell and Hoonah.

Six out of seven girls set personal records. Kemp who stresses the value of self-improvement, sees this as an accomplishment.

Haines boys finished second in their division with a score of 43 points. Three out of seven set personal records, according to Kemp.

Senior Siyel George finished first in his division after passing Petersburg’s Uriah Lucas about halfway through the race, according to Kemp.

Looking towards state championships next weekend, George hopes to set a personal record and finish before Petersburg.

“I want to win state,” said George. “I think we are more prepared than we ever have been.”

Members of the girls’ team also look toward the state championship with hopeful eyes.

“We do have a shot at getting first at state,” said junior Lydia Andriesen, “but I don’t want to dwell on that too much and be let down.”

Members of the junior varsity team who did not participate in the regional championship have the option of traveling with their team to Anchorage for the state championships. Junior varsity members will run a time trial on the course.

For Kemp, bringing other team members to state is valuable not just for added cheering power, but also because it provides one more opportunity to race, keeping athletes motivated and engaged in training. It also helps communicate one of Kemp’s core values: competing against one’s self.

Yzella Miramontes is one of the non-competing travelers. “I’m excited to watch them kick butt,” she said.

Race Results:

2. Mackenzy Dryden 20:50

3. Avery Williamson 20:56

8. Avari Getchell 21:47

9. Grace Long 21:58

11. Haley Boron 22:10

14. Hannah Boron 22:22

16. Lydia Andriesen 22:39

1. Siyel George 17:08

8. Luke Davis 18:37

11. Kirby Faverty 18:56

13. Carver Culbeck 19:03

14. Mark Davis 19:04

15. Carson Crager 19:05

17. Arik Millier 19:12
