Don’t risk forgetting to vote or having something come up on Election Day.  The polls are already open.  In our democracy voting is not only a right, it is an obligation.  Elections are won and lost not on the strengths of the candidates.  Elections are won or lost due to who shows up to vote and who does not vote.  Last year a seat on the Assembly was won with an unbelievable two vote margin.  Several people have told me that they meant to vote last year, but did not get around to it and they never expected their votes would have made such a difference.  The Haines Borough makes it easy for residents to vote. Early voting at the borough office is already open. You can also vote by email or fax. Forms for absentee voting are available on the Haines Borough website or you can call the borough clerk for assistance. The assembly has complex issues to address in the next year. Your job as a voter in this election is to get to know the candidates running and to cast your vote for the two individuals that you believe will most effectively serve you on the assembly.  In our small community just a few people sitting out the vote can make the difference about who will be your representative for the next three years. Your community needs you to step up and have your vote counted.  Please vote. The polls are open.

  Brenda Josephson
