Despite injuries and illness, the junior varsity cross-country team set personal records last weekend in Ketchikan.

Senior Dori Getchell finished her high school running career with a personal record. She improved her time by about one and a half minutes, a significant leap for a 5-kilometer race.

“It was awesome!” said Getchell. “I felt really good.”

Sally Chapell and Jacob Weerasinghe also set personal records.

“We were battling a lot,” said assistant coach Ben Bard as he reflected on the many injuries, bouts of illness, poor weather, and difficult course.

“It wasn’t about other people or placing. It was about running better than they had previously. It was about competing against themselves,” said Bard.

For many of the runners, this was their final race of the season.

Freshman Phoenix Jacobson reflected on his improvement. “In the beginning of the season I didn’t want to run. I felt like I was about to die, but I kept doing it. Ever since then it’s been really fun and I’m glad I chose to do it.”

Jacobson plans to compete next season.

Head coach Chandler Kemp missed this meet and a few practices due to a different job, leaving the team in the hands of Bard, and team captains Marirose Evenden and Brennen Palmieri.

“I appreciated more than ever the leadership on the team. It gives me complete confidence that the other athletes will be in a good mental space,” said Kemp.

Bard reflected on the team’s positive attitude and leadership.

“Attitude reflects leadership and I think that the attitude of the athletes has been fantastic. I think a lot of that is due to Chandler (head coach),” said Bard.

Looking towards the regional competition next weekend, on Saturday, Kemp is optimistic that both teams could place in the top three of their division and qualify for the state championships meet.

“The boys were first in our division in Juneau and second in Petersburg. It’s anybody’s guess how the next race will go. It’s a fun position to be in,” said Kemp.

The girls are also in an exciting position. “If we put together a good performance, we have a good chance at winning that race,” said Kemp.

Race Results

Aric Miller 20:17

Jayden Hotch 21:35

Eli Williamson 21:47

Phoenix Jacobson 21:48

Jacob Weerasinghe 28:43

Dylan Chapel 24:58

Marirose Evenden 23:58

Sally Chapell 25:09

Dori Getchell 25:37

Sanona Sundberg 26:14

Yzella Miramontes 29:22
