Retired Alaska State Trooper Roger Maynard credited teammate George McCament with determining that gift shop hostess Sue Veneer killed Malcolm Melee at Saturday’s murder mystery dinner theater. About 50 guests turned out for the Chilkat Center cabaret, organized by Lynn Canal Community Players. McCament, a retired FAA investigator, arrived at the event with paper and pencil. “He came up with the solution. After I saw his work, I had to agree,” Maynard said. Also sleuthing for the winning table were Susan and Fred Johnston, Sam Wright, Al and Carol Kelly, Joan McCament and Barbara Maynard. The evening included songs by Julie Cozzi.
Second Lt. Ann Laureen Hansen and Second Lt. Andrew James Klausner were married Saturday, Dec. 31 at the Shrine of St. Therese Chapel in Juneau. Guests spotted humpback whales and sea lions as they made their way to the chapel where red rose petals were scattered along the snowy path and in the aisle. Ann is the daughter of Vince and Jansy Hansen of Haines. Andrew is the son of retired Lt. Col. Michael Klausner and Mrs. Doreen Klausner of Colorado Springs, Colo. The bride and groom are both 2010 graduates of the United States Air Force Academy. Kelly Hansen, the bride’s sister, served as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Ann’s sister, Christine Hansen, and Second Lt. Jenny Ebert. The groom’s brother, CPL Michael Klausner, served as best man. Groomsmen were Second Lt. Sean Long and Second Lt. Matthew Ludwig. More than 30 friends and relatives from Haines attended the wedding mass and formal reception, held at the Baranof Hotel. Haines High School graduates in attendance included Iris Holmes, Iris Kemp, Genny Szymanski, Karen Boyce, James Hart, David Berry, Chandler Kemp, Kelly Edmond and Natalie Pardee. Current and former Haines teachers in attendance were Jansy, Ray Chapin, Tom Heywood, Lisa Andriesen, Kathy Holmes, JoAnn Ross–Cunningham, Barbara Pardee and Iris Kemp. Ann’s uncle Ralph Mielke, aunt Joanne Mielke and aunt Willow Ritter, all of Juneau, were in attendance as well as aunt Cathy Chand of Sacramento, Calif. and uncle Patrick Hansen of Juneau. The couple exited the church under a saber arch, and entered the reception under the same sabers to the Air Force song “Wild Blue Yonder.” They held red roses for their first dance, a tango. Madison Chapin caught the bride’s bouquet. Ann is stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. Andrew will join Ann following his spring graduation from a graduate program in aeronautical engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology in Ohio.
Brothers Tristan Sebens, Fletcher Sebens and Logan Borcik were together for Christmas. Tristan is a biology major at the University of British Colombia in Vancouver and home for holiday break. Fletcher and dad Mark Sebens were planning to spend Christmas in Haines and Fletcher’s mom, Jane Sebens, decided to come up from Juneau to join in the family fun. Mary Jean and Mike Borcik ensured Jane there was plenty of room at the table when Jane’s mother and stepfather, Rosemary and Gary Lebowitz, decided to travel to Alaska for the holidays. Jane’s sister and family, Shelly and Rocky Hughes from Palmer and their daughter Emily, also made Haines home for Christmas. Jane was relieved when friend Deb Vogt offered her home and the River House bed and breakfast while she was out of town. Christmas dinner at the Borcik’s also included friends Deb Davis, Jerry Clarke, Melina and Darren Shields and Tim Hockin.
Ryan Olsen celebrated his 21st birthday in Las Vegas and took home $800 from the casinos. Ryan’s parents, Tina and Dean Olsen, and grandfather Lawrence Willard joined him and they toured the sights together. Ryan is a junior at Northern Arizona University and majoring in exercise science.
Ron and Jacque Horn had a bustling household over Christmas. Daughter Heather Paar, husband Joe Paar and their daughters Pearle and three-month-old Livia made the trip from Seattle. Pearle celebrated her third birthday before Christmas and wanted to celebrate with sledding. Despite record snowfalls in November, the family had to drive out to 26 Mile to find decent conditions. Fresh snow arrived in town just after Christmas, in time for Pearle to play in the yard with her grandparents before heading home.
Evenden spent Christmas in Anchorage where she visited parents and caught up with Sue Libenson, who is working at Alaska Center for the Environment as interim director. Leslie and Sue bundled up for Christmas Eve ice-skating on Westchester Lagoon. Leslie also caught up with Haines fans at a UAA basketball game. She joined Ann Marie Fossman and Kate Lindsley to watch Kyle Fossman and teammates vs. Central Washington University. Also at the game were Tyler Healy, who is living in Palmer, and Jeremy Strong. Jeremy and his family live in Sitka, where he is a math teacher. He was in Wasilla for the holidays.