The Haines Women’s Club has so much to be thankful for!
Another Independence Day and another Haines Women’s Club Pie/Root Beer Float sale have come and gone. As a club, we have so much to be thankful for. 1) The Weather! I mean, WOW! 2) All the people who came out to play (and eat, and drink!). 3) The Haines Brewing Company, who again generously donated the root beer for our memorable floats. 4) Howser’s IGA who again generously donated the ice cream for those floats. 5) The American Bald Eagle Foundation who loaned us tables to serve from. 6) The several members of our (unofficial) auxiliary (i.e. husbands), who slaved in the heat setting up the booth, taking it down, working alongside us all day and generally just being our cheering squad. 7) The wonderful “Friends of the HWC, non-members who donated home-made pies: Kathy Friedl, Barb Blood, Ann Myren, Joan Snyder (member emeritas), Rachel KuKull (Joan’s niece), Jackie Mazeikas and Natalie Williams (who also worked the booth all day!) I hope I got all your names and spelled them correctly) And last, but certainly not least, 8) My wonderful committee, the members of the Haines Women’s Club, who baked, bought, worked and never complained through it all. Without all their hard work, this would never happen. Much love to you all! Proceeds from the sale this year go to the Eldred Rock Restoration group.
Susan Johnston
Pie/Float Sale Chair
Haines Women’s Club