For almost a decade we have known that the State of Alaska’s revenues have been in decline. Former Governor Bill Walker referred to the current financial crisis as “the gravest fiscal crisis in history”.
Over the last five years our community has felt the loss of State support with reduction in State employees in Forestry, Public Health, and the Alaska State Trooper. Loss of support is now being felt with a reduction in direct financial reimbursements from the State. The proposed FY20 reductions in State support for communities was a surprise to no one that was paying attention. Unfortunately this reality is being ignored by some members of the Assembly with one Member referring to our current reality as a “manufactured crisis”.
The Haines Borough has a responsibility to meet the needs of the community’s core services for the school district, public infrastructure, and public safety. Non-essential services outside of the basic needs are niceties that the government is able to provide with a vibrant economy. The proposed FY20 budget continues to grow government spending without addressing our current and future financial realities.
We are experiencing deficit spending. Hard choices must be made to reduce or eliminate unnecessary spending while pursuing policies that promote economic growth. It is not possible to tax our way out of this issue because the change in our reality is too great.
Haines must take a responsible approach to taxing and spending.
Brenda Josephson