The Alaska Small Business Development Center (AKSBDC) selected Haines as one of five pilot communities for a rural business development project that will offer in-person and remote workshops and resources for entrepreneurs.

“There are a number of barriers facing entrepreneurs in rural communities when they’re starting to start a business,” ASKSBD director Ian Grant said. “There are shipping issues, bandwidth issues, (but) the other large component is technology itself.”

This month, Haines Economic Development Cooperation (HEDC) office was outfited with a brand new, touch-screen desktop computer station, that provides internet access and a quiet space for entrepreneurs to get on-demand business classes or one-on-one advising with Grant. website tools include checklists for starting a business, templates for loan proposals, financial model worksheets and business life cycle tips.

Grant has visited Haines twice to walk entrepreneurs through the online tools; In April, he taught a group of 12 locals financial projections for business planning. He returned again in May to teach six entrepreneurs how to write a business plan.

“Creating a financial projection model is always the first thing everybody should work on,” Grant said. “You’ve got to prove it in the numbers before you can move forward. The big issue is that projection model is a huge barrier that people let stop them.”

Grant said that entrepreneurs seem to appreciate being guided through the process.

New business owner Joanna Goerner said she wouldn’t have pursued buying the bookstore if there hadn’t been free state resources available.

“Overall, the number one help from Ian has been the business and financial plan,” she said. “It’s been exceedingly helpful to have a business consultant who has great insight.”

Thirty one percent of income tax filers in Haines reported income from small businesses enterprises, and about 420 self-employment income filers reported a total of $3.6 million, according to the 2018 baseline data report.

“Both stats point to a vibrant small business and entrepreneurial community in Haines,” said Margaret Friedenauer, HEDC director. Friedenauer entered Haines into the running for the pilot program last fall when AKSBCD announced it received a $66,500 federal grant to spend in five rural communities.

Other communities selected for the pilot program are Cordova, Nome, Hoonah and Skagway.

Grant will host his last webinar on Friday, May 31 at The topic will be writing marketing strategy. “Whether people attend or not, I’m uploading these workshops online so people can watch them whenever,” he said.
