Our youngest “child” is now graduating from Haines High School in Haines.  We want to thank all the teachers and school staff that have helped our youngest child from first grade to high school to learn about the world and develop skills and knowledge that will help her in adulthood.  We appreciate all the extra time and effort and the skill and experience that the teachers and staff give to the students of this town.  

We also want to thank all the community members who donate time to broaden and deepen the learning experience of kids in town…from teaching music lessons, to mentoring, to offering summer jobs that teach them how to be good workers, to organizing community events that make this town a more vibrant place for our kids to grow up. 

Most of all we are grateful that this town has so many wonderful and diverse role models for our kids. Although some opportunities are necessarily limited in a small town and small school, we think this community is a great place to raise a kid.  

Thank you to all who made our kids better citizens, better students, and better people.

Cindy Buxton and Russ White
