Each day I wake up and have a difficult time believing how wonderful things are each day. Then, as days go by, I look around and wonder, “How is it that life became so wonderful?”
At our 5th-12th Grade Spring Concert, I failed to thank anyone. I’m afraid Holly is much better at the thank-you’s. First, a big thanks to stage manager Cherri Price. Thanks for your wonderful work making things smooth and efficient. Thanks to the crew in the light and sound booth; Michael Marks and Lorrie Dudzik: thanks for gently advising me of the methods used to make things work beautifully on stage. The added light on the percussionists was great and the sound came out crystal clear. To our wonderful accompanists, Rebekah McCoy and Nancy Nash, thanks for your upbeat, can-do attitude and hard work. To the crew and individuals making and selling the refreshments, great job! The treats I had afterward were delicious! To following businesses: Hecla Greens Creek, Southeast Roadbuilders, Haines Home Building Supply, Mountain Market, Constantine, Lutak Lumber, and Howsers, thank you for your financial and moral support on the trip to the State Solo & Ensemble Festival at UAA. And to the parents, grandparents, guardians and other supporters of the wonderful student musicians, I thank you for having me as your 5-12 music teacher. Playing and sharing music in class, during the basketball season, and in the concerts on the stage has been a joy.
Matt Davis